Biking, Diving, Ice skating, Movies, Cars, Meditation & Yoga, Museums & Arts, Music & Concerts, Games, Socializing, Singing, Hiking, Swimming, Nature, Watching TV, Restaurants, Travelling, Gardening, Dancing, Theater, Photography, Going to the beach, Watching sports
Wife is tenderness, care and love. The wife should make your house cozy and full of love. A woman must respect the will and decisions of her husband, help her husband in his affairs (if necessary) and, of course, a woman should raise children. I love lily flowers. I change my hair color from time to time. My morning always begins with a cup of aromatic coffee.
English: Fair , Russian: Fluent
Travel Availability
Will travel for a meeting in my country, Will travel for a meeting internationally, Will travel to my partner after his/her visiting me
Seeking in Relationship