Meditation & Yoga, Movies, Books, Cooking, Fashion, Socializing, Nature, Travelling, Hobbies & Crafts, Sports, Dancing, Gym, Photography, Reading books
I am interested in learning new things. I like to study human psychology, I like to read books on the work of consciousness and subconsciousness.
I have an economic education and for many years I worked as an accountant, but now I have decided to change my field of activity, I am discovering new talents in myself. I study numerology and astrology . I practice yoga, meditation.
I am an open minded person, romantic, gentle, kind. I love humor.
I love to travel, learn new cultures. I love watching the sunset and the starry sky, it's so beautiful !!
If everything that I wrote responds to you and you think that we could build a strong relationship, then write to me and I will be happy to answer. We'll see if we can become special to each other ..))
English: Fair , Russian: Fluent
Travel Availability
Will travel for a meeting in my country, Will travel for a meeting internationally, Will travel to my partner after his/her visiting me
Ready To Relocate
Seeking in Relationship
Long term relationship, Marriage