Looking for a smart, intelligent, open-minded, straightforward, sporty optimist.
I'm not Carrie Bradshaw but sometimes I like to put down some of my thoughts.
I think human needs human. I am glad that international dating sites give a good chance to meet someone you can never meet on the street where you live.
At my 44 I know that there is no perfect match but there could be a good partnership if we both work on it.
I'm in, what about you?
Museums & Arts, Music & Concerts, Socializing, Fashion, Sports, Movies
I prefer big city life to country life, rainy days to sun, books to social media, deep conversations to small talk. I like eurodance performers of 90 and rock bands of 90, matcha latte and Tom Ford's fragrances. And I consider Daniel Wroughton Craig the best James Bond for ever and ever)
English: Good , Russian: Fluent , Spanish: Basic , Polish - fair